Friday, February 4, 2011

Decorating/Picture Hanging

This the first part of this week was spent putting pictures up and decorating our house to look more warm and cozy.  My goal was to be done by the end of the week....but a ovarian cyst got in the way of that plan. But it just gives me something to do next week!

I have to pick up some pictures I printed at Costco (best picture printing prices!) today and put them in some new frames I got from Home Goods where I look for all my decorating and kitchen needs, who needs to pay full price?

I am lucky to have married a man with abilities in decorating!  It has been so nice, because if you know me, I am not the most creative person, I execute, I don't create.  But Ted's new job and his schooling for himself keeps him sooo busy he doesn't get home till at least after 9 every night.....this put a HUGE cramp in my decorating.  So I just went ahead and started myself.  It is much harder than I realized.  Here is my go at it:

My first attempt at trying to get them even = failed attempt

Ted's degree corner, yes four degrees not including two small ones...

That side of our room, the book shelf organized by color 
(In Cali Ted made fun of me too much for alphabetizing them so I didn't do it this time...but now he can't find any of the ones he likes....I might be alphabetizing in the near future...)

My degree corner ha ha, one + a little spiral to put pictures on
Yes, this room was suppose to be put together by week's project...
It is also Lola's room

In the same room is my vanity.  I LOVE having my own place to get ready
I hung the mirror by MYSELF big step!

Ok first attempt at trying to do a college above the couch
Didn't work....
So I tried again...still hate it....I think I need to just start over on this one

Don't know what to do in the kitchen above the cabinets...

Hung a coat rack

Above our bed beach pictures I took in El Segundo

My little helper.  She followed me around and every time the hammer made a sound would run out

The end.  More to come on my home decorating learning moments.....

1 comment:

Angela said...

Looks great Stef! I love your place, and still miss you tons!