I got the invited to the regatta (boat race) that was here in town. Ted met a friend in his Wharton class that is the coach for the girls team at Bryn Mawr University. Ted couldn't come because of weekend long interview at PENN for their Education Doctorate program (go Ted!)
But I wanted to go really badly so I took myself. It was a cloudy/rainy day but the rain held off while I was there.
The two pictures are of two Bryn Mawr boats: one is Varsity the other JV. The V team got second over all! For those of you who don't know I coxed for Yale my freshman year of college on the light weight men's team (that is the little person at the front who yells commands and steers the boat). This brought back sooo many memories! How fun!
The girl, Jessie, that invited me actually rowed for PENN at the same time I rowed for Yale but she was on the girls team and her sister and I probably competed against each other on the men's team! SMALL WORLD!
Well I had a great time but next time I am bringing Lola and Ted!