Thursday, April 21, 2011

New Photography Blog Post~!

I did a senior photo shoot a few weeks ago!  Check it out on my photography blog:

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Busy week!

Ted and I had a busy week!

I got locked in the house!  Yep that's right IN Ted and I had to use the window for a day and a half until the repair guy could fix the door...Ted only had to come in and out once....he isn't as nimble as I am :)
But he was a good sport going to work out the window!

My friend and I made cake good!  I sent some to work with Ted for an early easter treat.

One of my prescriptions for my health (actually from a doctor) is to sit in the sun or go tanning it helps with my blood flow...this is such a hard life!  Yesterday it was over 90 here!

It gets lonely at the pool by myself so I brought an old friend :)  a Libertarian one!

Last night Ted got busy on a whim finishing our back patio doesn't it look great!!??
Fountain and all!  I love the sound!

Me distracting Lola from Ted working out back, she hates people out there!  She is shaking my hand :)

Ted worked SO hard!  And now I have an outside place to hang out in!

Lola would not go potty after we changed the patio sooo much! 

I was getting a kick watching Ted try to force her out the door

So funny!
She finally went and today she loves it out there!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

April in Arizona

Ok I know you probably already know this...but.... I LOVE ARIZONA!
Just the view as I drive away from working out.  Love the dessert!

The view from the window while working out with my trainer Bob.  

Arizona Sunsets...need I say more?  Best ever!

More sunset :)

Loving my Toms and AZ weather!  Swim year round!

Made my sister (well her soon to be little girl) a tag blanket 

This is against my religion but ohhh sooo good on a sleepy late night
I never make cakes from anything out of a box unless that box has cake flour in it....

Been cooking a lot lately...getting better thanks to my new obsession with Gina @ skinny taste.  Ted still counts every calorie and I still hate eating healthy, but this website solves it for us!  It is super healthy but tastes so good!  Love it!

On a Sad/Happy news front.  Ted's Grandpa had to have eye surgery, it will hopefully restore his eye sight he lost in his left eye!  But he had to be face down for 10 days!  Ugh!  He is a trooper and less than 24 hours to can see here he is on the massage table Ted's parents bought him, so smart!  

Been making a lot of my famous carrot cake cupcakes.  Have an order for tomorrow so I am about to start grating carrots.  Yumm I love when people order these, on of my desserts I actually eat!   

Birthday presents that keep giving!  A gift card from my sister got me something I have been wanting!  I made Ted his favorite Lime Aid in it yesterday!  

Well that is April in Arizona for you.  Me busy with cakes, cooking, and house work.  Ted busy with school and work (crazy busy!) and Lola still lazy as ever :)  All in the prettiest place on earth!

P.S. here is Lola, I just woke her up from her nap... :)