I was excited to go and thought I would like it, but what I didn't realize is that I would LOVE IT!
The shows were the best part! I was glad Ted's mom, Valrie, was there so we could convince the guys to stay longer and go to more shows!
Me and Valrie waiting for the Shamu show
Waiting for the Sea Lion Show
Can you tell I am so excited!? And Ted, well.....
Jumping from the second story into the water, such a great show!
We saw a new Dolphin show which was really cool with lots of diving in it as well.
Shamu! I told Ted he is lucky he met me before I went to Sea World or else I would have ended up being a Whale Trainer!
For the guys we stopped at a donut place on the way home that has the biggest and best donuts ever!
Yumm! This is Ted's dad saying I am only eating one donut Valrie! (about 5 regular ones though!)
All these donuts for $14 and that box was heavy!
Valrie pretending to eat a giant donut. We barely could finish it and we split it! So much sugar!
SEA WORLD IS A BLAST! We have season passes now so come visit and we will take you!