Saturday, November 13, 2010

Alley Pickin'

Today was the start of a new tradition in the Cross home....alley pickin'!  We have seen stuff around our neighborhood people have just put on the curb or in the alley for the trash or for others to take (the bennifits to living in a beach town: nice alley give aways!)  We decided to go for a Saturday afternoon drive.....good thing we have a truck!

An hour later we ended up with a truck load of wood.  You ask what was the best find of the day was?  An old carriage house door (at least 50 years old) just sitting in a trash pile.  You should have seen Ted trying to direct his side kick (little 5'3'' and a buck o' 5)  to load this huge door in to the truck on top of the huge pile of wood already in the bed of the truck.....there might have been some choice words said....

Ted has wanted to make part of the garage into his home office, so we started today!  He used the door to make a hug desk.

I forgot to take a true before picture.  Here he has already put the legs on (ones we saved when we refurbed a antique table I inherited this last summer from my Grandma) and de-assebled the door as well as scraped it.

Ted painting the table black 
(and everything in the garage moved out onto our lawn)
We already had half the paint.  Total cost?  $5 for the entire desk!

The finished project, it was already dark, so more pictures to come.

Ted posing for a picture and smiling, but saying in his head:
 "enough pictures already!"

Other free updates we did today:
Found pictures I had taken of the beach near our house and refurbed some old frames to make a cool collage above our bed.  

Took apart awedding picture, printed out one I took from Mexico (on top of the bookshelf) and started to create a "studio" for me :0  YEA!  We both get offices!

Made Lola's eating corner better with a few frames (one of her, one of our wedding, and one I made from our Chinese fortunes).

All the food storage from the garage came inside to its new home under the bed. That was my job while Ted was working on his desk.  Bad picture but it is organized by variety and kind (my perfectionist coming out....)

Even found the tuna its own home in the legs to our bed: cinder blocks.  

Hope you enjoyed seeing our fun packed productive day.  
We are going alley pickin' every Saturday now!  
Coming soon to an alley near you!


Kristen M said...

Ok so I feel lazy. Today I took a 2 hour nap! Most productive thing I have done all week.

Kristi said...

So wait, what are you using for your dining room table now? Totally awesome find by the way :)