Sunday, November 21, 2010

Boston Brazilian Style

Ted and I went to Boston for his uncle, Wade's, wedding.  It was fun to see family and to get to see Boston.  It was a quick trip but we had a great time!

His new wife, Rosalia, is Brazilian.  Ted served his mission for our church in Brazil and now speaks Portuguese.  I have gotten to know Rosalia during Easter and Christamas and family get togethers throughout the last year and with my broken spanish (Spanish and Portuguese are very similar) and with Ted's help we got to know each other.  We were asked to be in the wedding party and were flattered!

We flew from LAX airport  straight to Boston and met Ted's family who flew in from Phx.  There were a total of 15 of us!

Rosalia told us we were going on a tour Saturday morning, we came down to find it was a tour in limos!  
Ted's grandparents haven't been east of the Mississippi so it was exciting to be in the limo with them and see how much they loved the old buildings and architecture of Boston.  It was a lot of fun!

Rosalia didn't come with us, she has some last minute wedding details to tie down, but here she is with Grandma in the limo before the tour.

Grandma seeing the sights, looking out every window, taking it all in.  

The limos caravanned through the city of Boston for 2 hours but it seemed like just a few minutes!  

Fenway Park.  The limo had thick windows so none of those pictures turned out very well.

Grandma, Grandpa and the Groom in our limo. 

One side of the other limo

And the other view....
Yes they had the larger hipper limo, but Ted and I are old at heart :)

Ted and his Grandpa

The Bride and Groom just hours before becoming husband and wife!

We were then taking to an authentic Brazilian Restaurant for lunch...YUMM!

Ted and I (it uploaded weird sorry)

We are on the plane now going home, 7 hour flight!  Once home I will be able to download the wedding pictures!  

1 comment:

Eric and Caralee said...

A Limo tour!! That sounds so awesome! I want to do that myself! xoxo