Friday, July 2, 2010

Our new home!

Ok we have had a lot of requests for pictures of our new home so here are a few of the rooms that are mostly done!

No pictures of our room, study, or laundry room those still need some time....

We are exactly 1 mile from the beach!

(Warning: no pictures hang up yet, the walls look very white!)

707 our new lucky number!

Cute huh?  No 2 houses are the same, ours was built in 1914.  A lot of people have made huge houses out of something like our little one.

Side view with our garage in the background

Our street

Living room with bare walls.
(Yes the carpet is green :)

Other side of the living room with the front door and door to the office (nursery eventually)

Ted's new working place, with Lola always close
(Dinning Room)

Storage space in the dining room full of all my baking supplies, pans, and equipment!

Our Kitchen
Still need some ideas for red accents, there are more vases in the far corner, they are empty though I don't have any ideas do you!?

Fridge and stove

Spent a lot of time organizing the shelfs
These are all the dry ingredients, love being organized!

Lola's new room/patio
View of our backyard, HUGE for the area


Eric and Caralee said...

Love it! It looks super cozy (I've always liked that green carpet, even though it gets dirty really quick!)

Lindsay said...

How fun! It's perfect for you guys! Can't wait to see it in person!

Kristi said...

Too cute! I hope we can see it sometime soon!

Amanda said...

i love the house... its really cute! and i see that you have been doing some serious organizing!