Saturday, July 31, 2010

Our perpetual 3 year old....

Lola, our English Bulldog, who is a perpetual 3 year old who can't talk....came in yesterday after I let her out for her morning potty break, looking like this:

For a white face, it was dirty!  
I might have forgotten I let her out and was busy doing something when she ran in like this ha ha!

She was sneezing and going crazy.

The culprit - a backyard hole she furiously dug for at lest 30 minutes

Lola getting in trouble for making Ted come out side to find the hole

Lola loves our backyard, she loves the weather, some days she just lays outside.
But lately she has been smelling things in our yard (cat poop) and occasionally eating it or digging it up....GROSS~!


Kristi said...

Just tell Ted it's her way of getting back at him for making her sleep by the porch :)

Eric and Caralee said...

haa, that's hilarious!:)